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We have heard repeatedly that the MMR and autism link has no merit and in fact, the journal that originally published the link retracted the article, so in effect, there is no link between autism and the MMR.  But is that true?  The truth is one journal retracted one study, but the rest of the studies demonstrating a link are still available and received no media coverage. 


MMR Linked in the Journal of Biomedical Science

The Journal of Biomedical Science is a peer reviewed journal that published a link between the MMR vaccine and autism in 2002.  The study authors knew that many children with autism have elevated levels of measles antibodies and they set out to discover why.  They found that 60% of the children with autism had an unusual MMR antibody and that this reaction was unique to the measles vaccine – not wild measles.  The researchers conclude that the measles component of the MMR might be related to the pathogenesis of autism.

The Italian Courts Link MMR to Autism

A family in Italy was awarded damages after their 15-month-old son developed autism from the MMR. He immediately developed bowel and eating problems and received an autism diagnosis with a cognitive delay within a year. The court the child had ‘been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (with trivalent MMR)’. The decision flew in the face of the conventional mainstream medical wisdom that a MMR-autism link has been debunked.

Italian Court also States Thimerosal is Linked to Autism

Based on expert medical testimony, the court concluded that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain damage because of the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his particular susceptibility from a genetic mutation.  In addition, Judge Nicola Di Leo considered a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report which included five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials.  A portion of page 626 is included here to show that autism was noted in their document.  Note the document has two sets of page numbers, please use the one closest to the bottom of the page. The entire document is available here.  


For additional information on how the MMR is linked to autism, please read Vaccines and Autism: Is the MMR Guilty of Causing Autism?    To discover how other vaccines are linked to autism, please read Vaccinations Linked to Autism.

How Do Autoimmune Disorders Contribute to Autism?

A study published in Molecular Psychology of more than 2,700 mothers of children with autism shows that about one in 10 mothers has antibodies in their bloodstream that react with proteins in the brain of their babies. This study supports previous reports that the prevalence of autoimmune disorders is elevated in families of persons diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorders, especially for mothers of children with autism. 

However, a Swedish analysis found nearly a 50% higher odds of being diagnosed with autism by age 10 years among children whose parents had any autoimmune disease. The researchers state that “some cases of autism spectrum disorders result from adverse conditions caused by altered autoimmune response during the prenatal or early postnatal period, possibly by enhancing susceptibility to other agents.”

Going back to the study in the Journal of Biomedical Science, that study indicated that 60% of children with autism had an unusual response to the MMR antibody that was specific to the vaccine.  Could that mean that autism is an autoimmune disorder?

Who is Exempt from Vaccinations? 

According to, people with the following conditions should not receive the MMR vaccine: if you are allergic to:

  • eggs;
  • gelatin;
  • neomycin (Mycifradin, Neo-Fradin, Neo-Tab); or
  • if you have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any vaccine containing measles, mumps, or rubella.

You should also not receive the MMR vaccine if you have:

  • a chronic disease such as asthma or other breathing disorder, diabetes, kidney disease, or blood cell disorders such as anemia;
  • severe immune suppression caused by disease (such as cancer, HIV, or AIDS), or by receiving certain medicines such as steroids, chemotherapy or radiation; or
  • if you are pregnant.

If you have any of these other conditions, your vaccine may need to be postponed or not given at all:

  • thrombocytopenia purpura (easy bruising or bleeding);
  • active tuberculosis infection;
  • a history of seizures;
  • a neurologic disorder or disease affecting the brain (or if this was a reaction to a previous vaccine);
  • a weak immune system caused by disease, bone marrow transplant, or by using certain medicines or receiving cancer treatments;
  • if you have received an immune globulin or other blood product within the past year; or
  • if you have received a previous MMR vaccine within the past 28 days (4 weeks).

According to Medical News Today, autism is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting the development of the person's communication and social interaction skills.  Therefore, children with autism could/should be exempted from the MMR vaccine. But are they? 

According to Autism Speaks, while 1% of people in the general population have a seizure disorder, between 20-40% of those on the autism spectrum have a seizure disorder.  All the more reason for a medical exemption.  However, this presents a catch 22 for pharmaceutical companies.  In order for vaccinations to work properly, herd immunity is needed; however, with the ever increasing rates of autism and qualification for exemption, would the numbers needed for herd immunity be achieved?

Homeopathy & CEASE therapy at Healing 4 Soul/Sima Ash Wellness Center

We identify and address factors governing prenatal/postnatal, vaccinations/medications and major traumas in the individual's life. We utilize powerful homeopathic tools to undo and clear those governing factors. In my practice, I have seen with high success the exponential growth and well-being of children by emphasizing the importance of CEASE treatment or CEASE with other adjunct therapies. Our multidisciplinary approach helps your child reach age appropriate standards in the least amount of time with least amount of restrictions. Our commitment to research, the satisfaction of parents, happiness, and well-being of children is paramount.
