I am Sima Ash, a mother to my beautiful daughter, Sadaf who was diagnosed with autism, a homeopath, CEASE practitioner, certified nutritionist and GAPS Practitioner. Sadaf and I started our CEASE journey after I became certified in early 2010, among the first international CEASE practitioners in the Netherlands.


By now you have read different blogs written by parents of children with ASD and other related disorders which I hope has brought your child closer to healing or complete healing and free from limitations.

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.

When I first read this quote from poet Don Williams Jr. a few years ago, it had an impact on me which caused me to pause and reflect on my life. Through that process, I learned to make a commitment to myself and let go of what’s behind me and start appreciating what’s in front of me. Concentrating on my own path has helped me stay focused on what is important in my life and not compare my journey to others. My journey is unique as is yours.

As I started to write my blog, I decided to make it somewhat different with the possibility of motivating you to bring further meaning to your life and hopefully to help you understand the reason(s) for being here and now.


But why now? Before I start let me give you a little background and history of our journey into and out of autism.

My daughter was thriving and meeting all developmental milestones until around 16 months of age.. We became concerned and discussed possibilities with our family physician and other specialists. Eventually at age three, Sadaf was given a diagnosis of autism.

Initially I was devastated. Back then there was not a lot of information available to physicians or to parents about how to help their children with autism. We began in the traditional manner of occupational, speech and physical therapy and saw very little improvement with Sadaf’s development, prompting me to search for alternative methods that could bring her relief and help her developmentally.

I eventually tried homeopathy and saw instant improvements with Sadaf such as better eye contact, improved sleep, and social awareness. I could not contain myself; I needed other children to improve just like Sadaf had. I became a certified homeopath, began seeing clients and took such pleasure in watching them flourish. I then heard about Tinus Smits and the astounding results he was seeing with CEASE Therapy. CEASE stands for Complete Elimination Autism Spectrum Expression and Dr. Smits helped well over 300 children. CEASE uses homeopathy, supplements and nutrition to help children detoxify, which leads to overall improvement.

Inspired by what I knew about Tinus Smits, I flew to the Netherlands to study CEASE Therapy under Dr. Smits and immediately implemented CEASE into my private life and practice. What amazing results!

Sadaf demonstrated immediate cognitive improvements and she began to have an attitude. I loved every bit of that attitude regardless of the challenge it presented. It was then that I saw the sparkle and glow in her eyes telling me there was more to her than meets the eye. She was conveying to continue with the treatment, continue to move forward and to not focus on the past.

Clients in my practice also began to progress, with cognitive improvements noted by teachers, family members and ATEC scores. Parents and professionals reported that the children were becoming more engaged and asking a lot of ‘why’ questions.

Sadaf and my clients are truly inspirational and are the reason I continue to practice. Their smiles, their milestones, their subsiding autism behaviors, their desire to improve; all of it inspires me and I believe it will inspire you as well. 

Welcome to the CEASE Inspirational Blog! We hope our stories inspire you, fill you with hope and motivate you!