What is a Hair Analysis?

Hair analysis is a test that measures the vitamin and mineral contents of hair which reflects the Vitamin and mineral content of the body's tissues. If a vitamin or mineral deficiency or excess exists, it usually indicates a vitamin or mineral deficiency or excess within the body, or unavailability of those vitamins or minerals even though present.

Examples: If the hair reveals a high calcium level two or three times normal, then your calcium level within the body may be elevated also. If so, these findings point to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to calcium plaques), and an impairment of the Thymus and Parathyroid, or even a tumor in one of those organs. The results will then allow your healthcare provider or physician

If the hair test reveals calcium levels are low, then a tendency exists toward osteoporosis, increased bone fractures, dental disease, periodontal disease, muscle cramps, etc.

Imbalances, as revealed by hair analysis always lead to metabolic dysfunctions before any symptoms show and this will allow your physician or healthcare practitioner choose the correct nutritional balancing program designed specifically for your particular biochemical type.

Some Conditions Which May Result From An Imbalance Are:

  • Autism & ADHD
  • Depression
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyperactivity
  • Prostate Problems
  • Digestive Problems
  • Toxic overload
  • Headaches
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis Rashes
  • Eczema
  • Mental instability
  • Hair Loss
  • Anemia
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Allergies
  • Muscle Disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes

Why Test The Hair?Natural Chemicals and the body’s trace minerals are the "building blocks" of life. They are involved in all enzyme reactions within the body. Without enzyme activity, the body cannot live.

My first and foremost goal is assessment of each patient’s health, prevention of disease and preserving health. I use Hair analysis in my practice as it gives me an excellent window to see what’s working in the body.

Why a Hair Chemical Analysis?If you are found ill and no explanation can be found, or when the cause seems to be found but the therapy is not wholly effective, hair analysis opens up a whole new window for understanding and recognizing your unique biochemical individuality and metabolic typing thus providing the blueprint and road map to solving your biochemical imbalances.

Even if you are not experiencing a severe problem, abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies may result in early, subtle changes in the body such as:

  • White spots in nails or hooves- indicates a possible zinc deficiency
  • Ridging in nails or hooves- indicates an iron deficiency
  • Brittle hair and nails or hooves- calcium and copper imbalance
  • Deep grooves across nails or hooves - calcium deficiency
  • Lack of growth - zinc deficiency
  • Mood swings - possible toxic metal accumulation such as lead, mercury, or cadmium
  • The above symptoms are early signs of an imbalance of vitamins and minerals, and may lead to serious problems if left unchecked

Causes of a Chemical Imbalance: Improper food intake - such as refined carbohydrates and sugars, strict vegetarian diets or other fad type diets. The taking of vitamins and minerals which are not needed, or even overdosing with them. Physician prescribed or OTC medications, Stress, Toxic overload, heavy metals, pollution, your job or a hobby and mineral deficiencies

Hair analysis is a wonderful window into your body’s inner workings. An extremely valuable tool which allows prevention, correction of specific imbalances and preserving health. There has never been such an opportunity available that can give us information on the imbalances with scientific accuracy, than this.


Download Instructions for Hair Analysis