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Beneficial intestinal bacteria are essential to life. However, the balance of good bacteria can get disrupted by many factors, especially antibiotics, steroids, estrogens, diabetes, low stomach acid, intestinal infection, diarrhea, surgery, poor diet (especially low fiber diets), pregnancy, aging, and stress. Imbalanced bacteria (dysbiosis) can cause a range of gastrointestinal symptoms, skin conditions, urinary tract infections and irritation, migraines, arthritis, and increased susceptibility to cancer and infections. Interestingly, the good bacteria show a consistent decline with age that is similar to the decline seen in natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells are located in highest amounts in the intestines and are the primary immune cells that police for cancer cells.


Probiotic supplements of good bacteria are beneficial after any antibiotic use, in people with chronic intestinal, inflammatory, or allergic conditions, and for cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol, and improved immunity. Selecting a probiotic should be based on several criteria. The bacteria should be completely non-pathogenic species that naturally occur in humans. The two species are known to be safe for any gender, age, or immune status, and in any amount are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. These two species also make up the greatest percentage of the organisms that have been identified so far in humans. Because the bacteria need to “colonize” the intestine, they must be alive, and the number of live organisms should be guaranteed and identified by regular quality assays. They are best taken with or near meals, and refrigeration will help the bacteria to stay alive longer.


After much research, I have found few wonderful probiotics - all of which are phenomenal.  Please read the descriptions to discover which one is best for you.  The probiotics are Dr. Formulated Ultra, Gutpro and Yeastbiotic.  Visit our online store for these and additional health products or phone our office to speak to one of our dedicated team members at (800) 669-0358


© Sima Ash, 2010




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