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Gastrointestinal dysfunction is reported in a substantial number of children with autism spectrum disorders and one study found the more severe the gastrointestinal dysfunction, the more severe the autism.


What Causes the Imbalance of Intestinal Microflora?

Factors that can have a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora of a child can also have negative effects on their immune system and health. Antibiotics, various drugs, vaccinations, heavy metals such as mercury and a somewhat lower immune system will negatively impact the intestinal flora of a child, creating a favorable environment for colonization by opportunistic pathogens. Since a direct relationship exists between the gut and the brain, a toxic intestinal environment will also affect the brain.

How Probiotics Help

Several studies have found support for probiotics in helping to reduce gastrointestinal issues, reduce the D-arabinitol in the urine of children with autism, improved allergies as well as behavior and improved digestion by aiding in the repair of the gut lining.

Recent information suggests that probiotics also help the body to detoxify. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that 90% of methylmercury is excreted through the bile in feces and scientist believe that with a large number of probiotic bacteria, mercury can effectively be driven towards expulsion and prevent any recycling of toxic mercury.

Since autism is such a complex disorder and we do not have all the answers yet, the use of probiotics appears to be a promising lead in helping children with autism – particularly if the child has accompanying gastrointestinal distress.

How Healing 4 Soul Helps

At Healing 4 Soul, we recommend three types of probiotics in treating children with autism – Dr. Formulated UltraYeastbiotic and Gutpro, all of which are excellent in helping to rebuild the balance of bacteria to 85% friendly and 15% unfriendly, needed to bring the person intestinal tract back to balance. All three contain human micro flora and Sima will recommend the one best suited to your needs. In addition, we utilize Original Quinton  Sea Minerals that aid with gut flora balance quickly and effectively. Original Quinton helps with common issues in children with autism such as diarrhea and gut repair.

To schedule your comprehensive appointment, call our office today at (800) 669-0358.


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