Welcome to Sima Ash Wellness Center

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A new study out of the Pennington Biomedical Research Centre in Louisiana states that eating an egg for breakfast is an effective way to lose weight.  Researchers discovered two ways in which eating eggs in the morning help people lose weight:


1.  Consuming an egg prevents production of a hormone which makes people hungry

2.  Eating an egg signals production of another hormone which makes people feel full.


The study backs up previous studies that state eating quality proteins help us eat less and feel full longer. 


At Healing 4 Soul, we recommend eating organic eggs and to avoid frying them.  As part of an overall weight loss program, poached or boiled eggs will help you get or stay slim.  So have your soft boiled egg and then come in and join us for Whole Body Vibration!


 Contact our office to schedule your appointment at (800) 669-0358 for a BETTER YOU!



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