In the U.S., 36 children are diagnosed with cancer each day and more than 40,000 children undergo treatment each year. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are the norms for kids and in the U.S. parents who have opted for other treatment options in place of chemo have been taken to court or are in jeopardy of losing their child to Child Protective Services. We are not suggesting that you forego traditional treatment if your child has cancer, but we would like to raise awareness to adjunct treatments and provide steps you can take to make your home and school healthier to reduce your child’s risk of being diagnosed.


Complementary Approaches

Good Nutrition is key – It’s easy when our kids are sick or are diagnosed with a disease to want to spoil them with their favorite foods, but nutritional approaches can help your child with the symptoms associated with cancer as well as traditional cancer treatments.

  • Avoid sugar which feeds tumor cells.  Also, avoid artificial sweeteners since they can lower the immune system.
  • Eliminate potential food allergens.
  • Give your child antioxidant rich foods such as blueberries, kale, spinach, and tomatoes. Make sure they are organic!
  • Avoid refined foods including saturated fats and trans fatty acids commonly found in commercially baked and fried foods.
  • Drink filtered water – be sure the fluoride is filtered out.
  • Exercising is key for all kids including those diagnosed with cancer.

Supplements can help your child, particularly if their appetite is low

  • Probiotics to help maintain the health of your child’s gastrointestinal tract as well as their immune health.
  •  Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin C to help with the immune system

Homeopathy can also help manage symptoms associated with chemo and radiation

  • UNDA Chemotherapy Drainage Remedies
  • Radium Bromatum – is used by homeopaths for radiation poisoning, so if your child is having issues with radiation it is worth consulting with a homeopath and trying this remedy.
  • Calendula Officinalis – Applied directly to the skin, this ointment helps to reduce the incidence of pain and dermatitis.
  • Nux VomicaTabacum and Ipecacuanha – All three are helpful to reduce nausea.
  • Cadmium Sulphuratum is helpful to a person with debilitating nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. The person who needs this remedy usually feels extremely chilly and exhausted.
  • Traumeel – In one study, Traumeel significantly reduced the severity and duration of chemotherapy induced stomatitis (mouth inflammation and ulceration) in children undergoing bone marrow transplantation.

CEASE Therapy is a blend of homeopathic and orthomolecular medicine that helps with the detoxification process. To read more about how CEASE works, click here.

How Can I Reduce My Child’s Chances of Getting Cancer?

Environmental factors contribute greatly to risk factors surrounding all cancers. Children are particularly vulnerable since their bodies are smaller but are being exposed to the same toxins as adults.

The World Health Organization states that parental smoking, use of residential pesticides and high fluoride exposure, solvents, or other household chemicals and parental occupational exposures to radiation or chemicals. In the U.S. scientists are linking Bisphenol A with childhood cancers.

Choosing nutritious organic foods, eliminating canned foods, using safe cleaning products and reducing or eliminating pesticides are essential in keeping your child healthy. This is not just for the home either. If your children are in school, please speak to their principles regarding changing their cleaning supplied and make sure you send your child to school with filtered water from home to reduce their exposure to chemicals in the water supply.

At Healing 4 Soul, we help children and adults become healthy and balanced. We provide guidance on nutrition, homeopathy, CEASE Therapy and other modalities. Please phone 310-738-8878 to schedule an appointment.