Summer is here, the kids are home and it’s time for all the fun summer activities – swimming, road trips and time in the sun. So how do you enjoy your summer while keeping your family’s skin safe? With some good old fashioned common sense and some modern supplements that will help protect and provide relief.

Sun Exposure

Getting your vitamin D in is a wonderful thing, but after 10-15 minutes, you will definitely want to use some high-quality sunscreen such as Badger for your face and body. Badger was rated highly on the EWG’s list of safe and effective sunscreen products and can be found online and at local health food stores. It’s safe for kids and can be applied under makeup for women.

Keeping your head covered with a hat while outside, wearing sunglasses as well as seeking shade when available are also good simple strategies. They will protect your face and body from the sun and help to prevent sun damage.

Putting thought into what you wear is helpful as well. Wear lightweight, loose clothing as much as possible while in the sun.Alsoa tightly weaved cloth is the best for absorbing and reflecting the UV rays. Clothes that you can see through and wet clothes such as bathing suits are not protective, as the UV rays can get through them and potentially cause a burn.

Scientific studies have shown that adding vitamin E (Soy free) and vitamin C to your summer supplements can help protect your skin against sunburn. Scientists believe it’s because these antioxidants help to heal sunburn that is a result of oxidative damage to skin cells.

The antioxidant Astaxanthin is a natural sunscreen that has been protecting plants and seafood for thousands of years. Astaxanthin helps protect the skin and can minimize damage caused by the sun's rays. Building up enough astaxanthin to effectively prevent sun damage may take several weeks.

An interesting study out of Germany states that eating tomato paste combined with olive oil helps to reduce the risk of sunburn by 35%. Researchers suspect that this is most likely due to the combination of lycopene in the tomato paste with the phenols in olive oil which protect the body from ultraviolet radiation.

Helping You Heal From A Sunburn and Sun Exposure

High-quality aloe vera gel can provide relief from sunburn and should be applied often. 

The homeopathic Cantharis is great at treating all kinds of burns including sunburns. Cantharis should be taken four to six times per day if a burn is present. Belladonna is also useful for relief from the sun particularly when the sunburn is accompanied by hot red burning pain and throbbing symptoms.

The homeopathic Glononium and Natrum Muriaticum are helpful for the sun and heat related headaches (such as when sitting too close to an open fire). 30c is recommended for these remedies as well.

Studies show that Honey can help heal wounds and it is a known natural antibacterial substance. Experts believe applying honey to sunburns could help the skin grow new epithelial cells and help the skin heal quicker.

Applying cooled oatmeal to the skin has also been scientifically proven to provide sunburn relief. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that are soothing to the skin.

If you have a severe sunburn, it is best to seek immediate medical attention. You can schedule an appointment with Sima Ash at (800) 669-0358 to relieve sunburns, heat strokes and heat exhaustion as well as other issues.